In this tutorial, we will be providing a step by step guide on how to successfuly cashout numours
bank logs and credit union through a crypto exchange platform like coinbase.
STEP 1: Tap on your profile
STEP 2: Select Settings
STEP 3: On the payment methods, choose “Add Payment Methods”, Click on Bank Account since
it’s a local bank we are working with.
STEP 4: When this prompt appears you just click on Continue.
NOTE: Make sure you purchase bank logs with email access. That’s why always recommend because
we sell the best bank logs with email access.
STEP 5: Now with Coinbase I recommend you use Huntington or Chase Bank log with email access from
STEP 6: You’ll enter the Online access from the bank log you purchased, send verification code to email and link it instantly
You could do $5,000 to $50,000 depending on your Bank purchase limit!!!